St. Anne Seal Beach

Prayer Net and Prayer Shawl Ministry

Prayer Net

Please contact Linda Morrow at (714) 846-4286 or for PrayerNet requests.

  • The Prayer Net prays for the intentions of parishioners.
  • To make a prayer request, one must fill out a card and drop it into the Prayer Request box located near the side door of the sanctuary. The person we pray for does not need to be Catholic or a member of our parish.
  • This ministry was founded by a group of women from St. Anne Women’s Guild. Currently it is comprised of women volunteers but men are certainly welcomed.
  • Members take turns sending out requests that are then sent out to the members of the PrayerNet group each Monday.
  • The PrayerNet names are not the same as the ones listed in the Bulletin.
  • If a person wants to submit a name in the bulletin, call the Parish Office at (562) 431-0721.


Prayer Shawl Ministry

Join us the third Monday of every month at 9:45 am for fellowship and to make shawls for our community. For more information please contact Joanne Groustra at 562-386-8414, Sandy Kriss at 562-400-5598 or Lina Saw at 714-823-7168.

  • Saint Anne’s Prayer Shawl Ministry is a group of women who knit or crochet prayer shawls for the purpose of giving solace and support.
  • The prayers of the maker of the shawl are woven into the shawl with the intention of providing comfort to the recipient.
  • When the shawls are completed, they are blessed by one of our priests.
  • Anyone may request a shawl for a man, woman or child in need of solace and prayer. The person for whom the shawl is intended need not be a member of this parish or a Catholic.

    If you would like to request a shawl for someone, please contact Joanne Groustra at 562-386-8414, Sandy Kriss at 562-400-5598  or Lina Saw at 714-823-7168.